
Editing is an important part of any communication, whether it is simply to make sure that spelling and grammar are in order, or to create an entire manuscript out of a rough outline or draft.

Professional editing exists on many levels and, done correctly, can greatly enhance the story you are telling. The more precise, accurate and easy to read your communication, the more effective it is.

I offer editing on three different levels. Sometimes these can be done separately and often they work in tandem.

Structural Editing

I focus on the logical flow of content in your document, make sure that your arguments follow a logical progression, make sense, and reach a conclusion. I ensure that information is presented accurately and that it is easily understood and readable.

Line Editing

Every one of us has a unique voice and style. Whether you are a writer or not, the way you tell your story reflects you. When editing your work, I always try to respect and enhance your individual style. Line editing involves clarifying meaning, decluttering information (removing clichés and jargon that does not add value to the content), adjusting syntax to make the sentence sound better, and simply polishing your style.

Copy Editing

This is the most commonly required editing service, and involves checking and correcting grammar, spelling, punctuation and style. I am a stickler for the correct use of words, and the way they are presented on a page. I am also happy to break or bend the conventional rules if the deliberate intention is to make a point using a “mistake”. Editing is an art all of its own!


Proofreading is not the same as editing. It is done after the editing process has been completed, and usually after the layout has been done. It involves the small details like headers, footers, page numbering, word breaks, line breaks, placement of images and a host of other mechanical details that can either help or hinder your reader.


Sometimes you know what you want to say, but you simply can’t put it together on paper.

You do the outline and research, give me the rough draft, and I’ll revise it and create the manuscript for you! I’ll work very closely with you to ensure that the information you want to convey is being accurately presented. Rewriting may also involve some additional research and writing of original material.