We all have a story, but finding the right words is not always easy.


Your best friend is getting married. There’s no question that he’ll ask you to be his best man. He asks. You’re delighted and flattered and even a little emotional (in a very manly way, of course). You’re also quite simply…terrified. You have to give a speech. A speech that makes sense, that makes people laugh, and makes them cry. A speech that everyone will remember, and preferably not because you were so drunk that you can’t remember. No pressure.

Applications, Bio’s and Letters

You’re applying to University, or College, or to join a club. You have all the right qualifications, you’re excited. You’re a scientist or a mechanic. You’re a chef, a landscaper, a professional guide, a fisherman. Your passion is fashion design, you paint pictures. You wrote your English exam because you had to, and you thought you’d long since seen the back of that subject. And now… you’re asked to define yourself by writing stuff down! You’re not about words, you’re about doing things, creating, inventing, fixing, improving. You know just what you want to say, but you simply just don’t know how to make it sound good on paper.

Essays, Dissertations

You’ve spent months putting together your thesis. You know the subject so well you’re even dreaming it. You stop seeing the words on the page in front of you because you know them off by heart. You know you still have to proofread it and edit it, but you simply can’t see anything wrong with it. Not to mention the bibliography and referencing…

It doesn’t matter what you want to say, or how big or small the job is… words are what I do!

“There’s no sense in doing a lot of barking if you don’t really have anything to say”

Snoopy by Charles Schulz